
Debug anyone?

In the previous blog post (Map vs for in vs forEach challenge in Swift βš”οΈ and To if let or to not nil? πŸ’€) I have tested some methods using unit tests and function measure() from XCTest framework. But are these results also legit for the production? Let’s take a look that loop challenge and test it using different building configurations.

From tests to the code in debug mode

We can implement measure() method by ourself using code like that:

func measure(attempts: Int, measuredClosure: (() -> ())) -> ([TimeInterval], TimeInterval) {
    var durationsInSeconds = [TimeInterval]()

    for _ in 1...attempts {
        let startDate = Date()



    let averageInSeconds = durationsInSeconds.reduce(0, +) / Double(durationsInSeconds.count)

    return (durationsInSeconds, averageInSeconds)

It takes the number of attempts and code to measure, it returns the tuple which contains all the results and the average.

Let’s test for in approach:

var numbers = Array(1...arrayLength)

let (_, averageEmptyForIn) = measure(attempts: measureAttempts) {
    for _ in numbers {}

print("averageEmptyForIn: \(averageEmptyForIn)")

Now it is time to compile it and run.

$ swift build
$ .build/debug/Comparer

averageEmptyForIn: 1.48660808801651

OK. It works, we have the results now it is time to rest… but suddenly someone asks:

β€œHave you checked it on production?”

From the code in debug mode to release

Going from debug mode to release mode is simple by adding one more flag to the swift build command. It is time to build it and execute.

$ swift build --configuration release
$ .build/release/Comparer

averageEmptyForIn: 0

What? 0? What is going on?

Magic in the release mode

In the release mode, the compiler uses optimization mechanism and the final performance of the application should increased. The compilation time can be longer but the final results should be better than in the debug mode. The compiler noticed that this for in loop is empty, it is pointless to execute it at all so it skips it completely during building and the results is 0.

To measure this kind of stuff we need to put something more robust between braces. I will use a new random mechanism Int.random(in: 1...2) included in Swift 4.2. It generates a random number from inserted range so the output should be the number 1 or 2.

let (_, averageForInSeconds) = measure(attempts: measureAttempts) {
    for i in numbers {
        _ = i + Int.random(in: 1...2)

Now this sentence can be added for every previous loop approaches, compiled using specific configuration and launched. The repository with the improved code can be found here.

Test environment

  • Device: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2015, 2.2GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM)
  • OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
  • Swift: 4.2 (Xcode 10 Beta 5)
  • Array length: 10,000,000

Test results


VariantAverage duration
map()5.215 sec
for in5.921 sec
forEach()6.083 sec

Debug mode

VariantAverage duration
map()5.164 sec
for in5.908 sec
forEach()5.929 sec

Release mode

VariantAverage duration
map()2.189 sec
for in2.187 sec
forEach()2.180 sec


  • The performance of the code compiled in the debug mode and the results of executed tests are similar (both complied using the same configuration).
  • In the release mode there is no significant impact which loop approach is used. The results are quite the same.
  • Code compiled in the release mode is executed faster than in debug mode. It should be obvious but who knows, maybe there are some edge cases. πŸ˜‰
  • Tests are complied in debug mode by default. The results of the tests can be used as indicator but the production performance could be different.